Vacuum turboemulsifier

Main features:

- Working capacity of 5/30/50/100/250/500/700/1000/2000/3000/4500 litres
- Construction made of Aisi 304/Aisi 316 stainless steel
- Variable speed coaxial double mixers each provided with motorisation.
- Peripheral mixer with PTFE scrapers
- Turboemulsifier group provided with variable speed stator
- Cover rise/descent hydraulic control (maximum capacity 2000 litres)
- Processing vessel overturning hydraulic control (maximum capacity of 500 litres)
- Electric, steam, hot water circulation heating
- Mains water or refrigerated water circulation cooling.
- Thermal insulation
- Vacuum pump complete with line and trap.
- Stainless steel control electric switchboard.


- Product recirculation
- Weighing
- Product discharge volumetric pump
- Fat phase melter.

BP2 Inox di Zaghi Pierantonio s.a.s.- Via Firenze, 13/b 20063 Cernusco s/Naviglio (MI) - P.I.: 11311890153 - Tel 02 92102620